Capt. Wanda Thun

fot. Paweł Kęska

Capt. Wanda Thun, born 1924. She joined the Gray Ranks in February 1941. She adopted the codename Wandzia (diminutive of Wanda) and participated in self-education circles, a liaison group, distributed conspiratorial press, supported the activities of the Central Welfare Council (RGO), and participated in minor sabotage. Before the outbreak of the Uprising, she was assigned to a medical post at ul. Stępińska. She then reported to the “Baszta” regiment, where she worked in the field kitchen, later ending up at a medical post where she served until the fall of upper Mokotów. She escaped from a civilian population transport headed for Pruszków and ended up in Grodzisk Mazowiecki where she provided assistance to refugees from Warsaw.

Recording: Paweł Kęska


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